
HyperLynx is a versatile software package for printed circuit board simulation and design. It provides user-friendly tools that help designers optimize PCB performance and avoid errors.

Efficient and user-friendly simulation

Cost savings and error avoidance

Versatile simulation modules

HyperLynx - Comprehensive Simulation Suite for PCBs


HyperLynx provides a versatile software package for printed circuit board simulation and design. It allows you to:

  1. User-friendly Signal Integrity Simulation (HyperLynx SI): Simulate signal behavior like an oscilloscope, with easily selectable nets and components. Avoid signal issues and save time.

  2. DDR Memory Simulation (SI DDRx): Supports multiple DDR memory families and provides easy-to-use tools for topology design and simulation. Receive clear pass/fail reports to identify problem areas.

  3. High-Speed Serial Signal Simulation (SI GHz): Provides comprehensive tools for modeling high-speed serial signals, including eye diagrams and eye mask views.

Additionally, HyperLynx offers:

  • Power Integrity Analysis (HyperLynx PI): DC drop and AC analysis help manage voltage drops and current densities.
  • Precise EMI/EMC Checks (HyperLynx DRC): Check issues that can impact electromagnetic compatibility and signal integrity.
  • 3D Electromagnetic Solver (Full-Wave Solver): Solve complex SI, PI, and EMI problems using 3D simulation.
  • Efficient 3D Thermal Simulation (HyperLynx Thermal): Simulate the thermal effects of PCB layout and wiring accurately.

HyperLynx is a solution that saves time, money, and helps achieve high-quality PCB design.


Frequently Asked Questions

HyperLynx is a software package designed for circuit board simulation. It is used for circuit board design, signal simulation, power integrity analysis, electromagnetic solutions, and thermal simulation.

HyperLynx helps designers detect and resolve issues with printed circuit boards before building a physical prototype. This saves time, reduces errors, and increases design efficiency.

HyperLynx includes several modules such as Signal Integrity (SI) simulation, Power Integrity (PI) analysis, EMI/EMC checks (DRC), 3D electromagnetic solver, and 3D thermal simulation.

Yes, HyperLynx is compatible with most well-known PCB design tools, making it easier to integrate into existing design workflows.

HyperLynx provides tools for power integrity design, such as DC drop and AC analysis, to help detect voltage drops and current densities. This ensures that the power circuits operate reliably and efficiently.

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